Define Mesothelioma: How To Spot Symptoms of This Disease

You can't even turn on the television without seeing an ad by some lawyer who is working a class action suit for people who have mesothelioma. To get a clear understanding of what is going on, let's define mesothelioma, and learn not only what it is, but how you get it and what your options are.

Pleural mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the mesothelium, envelope consisting of two sheets between which there is a liquid lubricant. This mesothelium surrounding many organs: it is called pleura to the lung, peritoneum for digestive organs, pericardium for the heart.

Causes of Mesothelioma

In over 90% of cases, the cause of mesothelioma is attributed to occupational exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma can also be due to exposure Environmental 'unprofessional, asbestos. Spontaneous or idiopathic occurrence of mesothelioma in the absence of asbestos exposure, is also possible and affects about one in a million.

Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma

Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma that affects the chest (pleural mesothelioma) include these:

Treatment of pleural mesothelioma

It is possible that surgery is not an option for people with pleural mesothelioma sarcomatoid types. These people often have a poor prognosis since this type of mesothelioma is resistant to treatment.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Addressing The Treatment Of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma Treatment
The most awkward of cancers to deal with is Mesothelioma. The treatment of Mesothelioma is also very limited. It is an awkward cancer to deal with as it attacks the linings of internal organs and it makes it an extremely difficult area to deal with.
As a very invasive and aggressive cancer it spreads quickly if given the chance and if not caught early. Its root cause is the mineral, asbestos. The fibers get into the body through inhalation of fine asbestos dust and even larger particles. It is therefore also known as Asbestosis.
These fibers settle in the lining of a particular organ and could stay there for many years. An unrelated illness such as pneumonia, can awaken the cells which had been chafed by these fibers in the body, thus creating the cancerous cells.
For the treatment of Mesothelioma, not much has changed over the last decade. A discussion at a medical conference one year came up with the idea of trapping the cancer within the lining of the organ. Eager doctors have tried that. However, cancer does not allow itself to be stopped in any way hence this method has proven not to be very successful. It is especially so for this particular cancer.
It actually causes more harm as the cancer then pushes itself out into areas where it would not have gone before such an operation. To add to the woe of patients is that after the incredibly painful operation, the patients still have to undergo the treatment of Mesothelioma, such as chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy places more strain on an already depleted body. It causes hair loss, nausea and general weakness of the body. The patient also has to suffer with a terrible redness in the face. Sometimes they are bedridden and cannot do much.
The body can only take so much of the chemical as well. Hence, the next step would be to have radiation treatment. Sometimes these two for the treatment of Mesothelioma are given together and the side-effects are even worse to deal with. In the case of radium treatment, it is done internally and is targeted at the affected area.
Another option is to cut away as much of the lining as is possible after which chemotherapy is administered. This would depend entirely on how soon the cancer is caught. If early enough there is a reasonable chance of a prolonged life.
There is alternative medication, such as natural "cures," but not all countries allow for these medical alternatives. However, it still remains the patients' choice of what they want to do with regards to he treatment of Mesothelioma. Others prefer to just let the disease take its course while others make every effort to be healed. The success of these natural treatments also depends entirely on how soon the cancer is caught, because this is a longer process than the conventional treatment.
A lot of the success of a treatment also has to do with the patient's attitude. To be positive under these circumstances is not a very easy thing, though. Most of all the best treatment for this particular cancer is prevention. E Ontong:Please have a look at what I have to offer to you. The free service will expire soon. It is for the purposes of layout only. You would therefore need to supply a fully edited and final manuscript.LoveLight Publishing is essentially a self-publishing company. Make sure you make use of this limited time offer of design, layout and cover design for FREE.[]Article Source: Source:

a cancer of mesothelial tissue, associated especially with exposure to asbestos.
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Mesothelioma Cancer | Diagnosis, Treatment and Support

Feb 24, 2016 - Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer affecting the membrane ... Between 50% and 70% of all mesotheliomas are of the epithelial variety.
‎Mesothelioma Symptoms - ‎Pleural Mesothelioma - ‎Mesothelioma Causes - ‎Biopsies
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Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance | Resources for Patients

Mesothelioma treatment, diagnosis and related information for patients and families. Legal options for those diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma - Overview of Malignant Mesothelioma Cancer
› Mesothelioma
Malignant mesothelioma is a rare, asbestos-related cancer that forms on the thin protective tissues that cover the lungs and abdomen. ... Latency Period: It can take 20-50 years after asbestos exposure for mesothelioma to develop. ... That's because this cancer can take anywhere from 20 to ...
Mesothelioma - Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic
Malignant mesothelioma (me-zoe-thee-lee-O-muh) is a type of cancer that occurs in the thin layer of tissue that covers the majority of your internal organs ...
Mesothelioma | Cancer Research UK
 Your cancer type
Cancer Research UK
Dec 17, 2015 - This section is about mesothelioma. There is information on symptoms, tests, treatment, current research, and living with diagnosis.
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Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops from the thin layer of tissue that covers many of the internal organs (known as the mesothelium). The most ...
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The Only Known Cause of Mesothelioma and Your Legal Options


What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a cancer that can develop in the linings protecting our internal organs, called the mesothelium. Mesothelioma usually develops in one of three places: the pleura, or the lining of the lungs; the peritoneum, or the lining of the abdomen; or the pericardium, or the lining of the heart. The only known cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. The victims of mesothelioma usually are workers who were exposed to asbestos in the workplace. Members of the worker's family can also suffer from secondhand asbestos exposure.
Asbestos Exposure at Work
In most cases, mesothelioma is a disease contracted at work. People typically experience asbestos exposure while employed at the following risky occupations:
• Steel workers 

• Power plant workers 
• Chemical plant workers 
• Utility workers 
• Millwrights 
• Plumbers 
• Insulators 
• Mechanics 
• Pipefitters 
• Drywallers 
• Carpenters 
• Electricians 
• Laborers 
• Iron workers

Some of the common asbestos exposure sites in Michigan include Dow Chemical Midland, Consumer Power plants, Detroit Edison power plants, McLouth Steel, Great Lakes Steel and Ford Rouge steel plants.
Exposed Worker's Families Can Also Be Affected
Unfortunately, workers who are exposed to asbestos can spread secondhand mesothelioma to their families. Asbestos fibers stick to clothes and fabrics and can be brought from the factory into the worker's home, where it can expose the entire family to the dangerous substance.
To further complicate the situation, mesothelioma often takes decades to reveal itself. A diagnosis of mesothelioma can occur 20, 30, 40, or even more than 50 years after the initial exposure took place.
How an Experienced Lawyer in Mesothelioma Cases Can Help
Lawyers experienced in mesothelioma are familiar with the products that cause the disease and know the companies involved in mesothelioma cases. An experienced attorney knows how to find the companies contributing to the asbestos exposure and can establish liability in seeking compensation beyond workers' compensation benefits.
What if the Liable Company Has Gone out of Business?
Due to the delayed effects of mesothelioma, victims often were exposed to asbestos decades prior. Over those many years, businesses have closed, memories have faded, and evidence has disappeared. This causes many victims of asbestos-related diseases to grow concerned about their legal options.
Experienced mesothelioma lawyers can overcome these obstacles to get compensation for mesothelioma victims. Despite many businesses closing over the years, some are still open in different forms. Others may have set aside trusts for victims of asbestos exposure. Although memories grow hazy and evidence disappears over time, attorneys experienced in asbestos exposure cases have encountered these issues before and have proven methods to overcome such barriers.

Gene Zamler is a founding partner of Zamler, Mellen & Shiffman, P.C., the leading Michigan personal injury attorneys. Zamler, Mellen & Shiffman's Michigan personal injury lawyers specialize in helping victims of mesothelioma. If you or a loved one has suffered from mesothelioma following exposure to asbestos, we can help. Contact our experienced team of mesothelioma attorneys at or call 1-800-LAWYERS for more information.Article Source: Source:

Asbestos Exposure Mesothelioma - What Causes Mesothelioma

If you have watched television at some point in the past few months, then I am sure that you have seen the many commercials soliciting those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. These commercials are for legal services and target people who have been recently diagnosed with mesothelioma through an exposure to asbestos. So, maybe you have wondered what mesothelioma is and what the issues are surrounding it. It is simply another form of cancer. Most of those who get diagnosed do not realize that they have it until it's too late because this form of cancer can go undetected for decades and can even be caused by just one incident in which one was exposed to asbestos. I have heard of cases were 20 years had passed since being exposed to asbestos to when mesothelioma was diagnosed.
Some people make the mistake of connecting mesothelioma to lung cancer. However, these two diseases are completely different. Mesothelioma develops around the lining that protects the body's organs, which is known as the mesothelium. It is often found around the lining of the lungs, which is why it is mistaken for lung cancer.
So, how does mesothelioma develop? It is primarily caused from asbestos. In most cases, people who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos at various job sites in the construction or mining industry. However, you will find that asbestos can be found in your everyday household items. These levels of asbestos cannot be compared to what can be found in the job related sites and are not significant enough to cause any damage. Asbestos has been around for over 100 years and is used in many items that you would not even consider. The issue is when the amount of asbestos is beyond the normal safety limits.
Because there may not be any noticeable symptoms or the symptoms can be mistaken for other ailments, mesothelioma can take awhile to be detected. However, the common symptoms include unexplained weight loss, shortness of breath, and pain around your chest area. If you notice any symptoms, you should ensure that you speaks to a medical professional as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there have not been any great advancements in technology to help support proper care and treatment for those with mesothelioma. However, the government has supported many laws to ensure that jobs sites minimize exposure as much as possible, including code violations and fines for any violations since the mid 1900s.

If you would like more information, then please visit Asbestos Exposure Mesothelioma []. It discusses topics related to mesothelioma news and information.Article Source: Source:

Pleural Mesothelioma - Cancer That Affects the Lung Lining

diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma is the form of cancer in its malignant manifestation over the protective layer of the lungs with possibilities to spread to the lungs as well. The formation of malignant cells in the structure of the lining will act as a constrictive belt for the lungs preventing them to function normally, and as such the person who presents this condition can have shortness of breath.
Pleural mesothelioma can be:
- diffuse and malignant - carcinogenic type. 

- localized and benign - non cancerous type - this one can be removed surgically, while the malignant form is really hard to deal with.

Pleural mesothelioma is the most commonly met case in the cases of mesothelioma and it appears due to a longer exposure to an asbestos environment, for after 20 years or so to start manifesting. It takes indeed a lot of time for the disease to be detected as it needs some time to incubate and in the end to expose some symptoms that will indicate the presence inside the human body.
These symptoms that relate to pleural mesothelioma are difficulty in breathing, sleeping, chest pain, blood vomits, weight loss, loss of appetite, lower back pains, coughing, difficulty in swallowing.
To offer a diagnosis in pleural mesothelioma it will need a CT scan or an X-ray for the chest area for the pleural thickening to be revealed. The next step leads to bronchoscopy. A medical practitioner should then be able to have a better comprehension of the case.
Another way to detect the disease is the open biopsy or the needle biopsy. This can be done as well through a thoracoscopy where a mini camera is inserted for a tissue sample to be removed and analyzed.
Treatment can be effective as long as the pleural mesothelioma is detected in its early stages. In this case the tumor can be taken out through a surgical procedure. Additionally an immuno-therapy can be followed with inoculation of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) used for increasing power of the immune system. Radiation therapy as well as chemotherapy for the late stage of the disease can act merely as ways to relieve the pain.
There are also side effects presented, such as severe tiredness, excessive radiation can cause a reddish and itchy aspect of the skin. Nausea and vomiting can be the other side effects in the case of radiotherapy, urinary discomfort as well as a diminishing in number of the white blood corpuscles.
When a person is diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma the life expectancy is from 6 months to one year, the maximum in some cases being up to 5 years. Other factors to accelerate the disease manifestation are the lung infections left untreated, tobacco smoking, exposure to simian virus 40 (SV 40) and many others.

I have set up a website specifically for those people who do not know where to start when they find out that they, or someone close to them has contracted mesothelioma.The site has all the information you need to file your case;lawyers, experts, articles by experts, but most importantly, a number of videos by an expert in the field, who will guide you through the process. You will never feel alone using this website resource. I hope that it gives some comfort to those affected. You can go directly to the site here: []Regards,Chris Arnfield BA, BSc.Article Source: Source:

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Survival Rate

malignant mesothelioma
Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of malignant mesothelioma. Many factors may be involved in determining the survival rate for this aggressive cancer; some are better understood than others. Estimates of median survival time range from one to two years; survival depends on underlying factors such as the type and extent of spread of the mesothelioma. Only seven percent of people with this cancer survive to five years after diagnosis, but this outlook is gradually improving with some promising experimental treatments. Some people live well beyond five years from the time of diagnosis.
In general, younger age at diagnosis, absence of weight loss and limited loss of lung function are associated with chances for increased survival. Stage I mesotheliomas, which have not spread to the lymph nodes or adjacent tissues and organs, also carry the best prognosis. The type of cell the cancer is comprised of can also affect survival. The epithelioid cell type has the best prognosis, the mixed or biphasic cell type the next best prognosis, and the sarcomatoid cell type the worst prognosis. The majority of malignant pleural mesotheliomas are of the epithelioid cell type.
Because this cancer takes so long to manifest, people are usually diagnosed at an older age and with more advanced disease, potentially worsening the prognosis and the treatment options available. The more aggressive the treatment, the better the outcome may be, but in cases with cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, chemotherapy may be the only alternative. New drugs, such as the combination of Alimta with Platinol, have been shown to improve survival in malignant mesothelioma patients whose only option is chemotherapy. A number of experimental treatments, such as immunotherapy and biotherapy, are currently being evaluated in clinical trials.

Malignant Mesothelioma [] provides detailed information about malignant mesothelioma, diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma, malignant mesothelioma diagnosis, malignant mesothelioma lawyer and more. Malignant Mesothelioma is the sister site of Peritoneal Mesothelioma Lawyers [].Article Source: Source:

How To Make Mesothelioma Claims

Filing Mesothelioma Claims and Lawsuits
Mesothelioma is a rare form of lung cancer. It is caused as a result of prolonged exposure to asbestos, a fibrous silicate mineral. This illness is dominant in factory workers where asbestos is used in the manufacturing processes.
The dangers of asbestos exposure are well-known and as such if a worker develops this condition, it is treated as the negligence of the employer to provide a safe working environment to his employees. The treatment and cost of health care for this lung condition is quite expensive. Therefore, the affected can make mesothelioma claims against the person he deems responsible and seek financial assistance to bear the costs, in part or full.
What are the different types of Mesothelioma claims?
When it comes to filing claims, one can seek different types of compensation. The first includes compensation for personal injury. It covers the individual affected by Mesothelioma as a result of direct exposure at the work place. The personal injury law suits also cover family members who display the symptoms of Mesothelioma caused by indirect exposure to the silicate mineral; fragments or particles of the mineral brought into the home from the workplace.
The affected can also file Mesothelioma claims for lost income. This lung infection causes intense pain and reduces mobility. In severe cases, it could result in total impairment forcing an individual to stay out of work for prolonged periods. In event of this, one can seek compensation for lost income to support his daily needs.
The compensation also covers the costs of medical treatment. One can also ask compensation for the suffering and pain caused by the illness. If mesothelioma is certified as the cause of death of the patient, the family members can also file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the deceased member. In case of wrongful death lawsuits, a number of aspects are factored in before the compensation is granted.
In addition to seeking compensation from the responsible party, you can seek help government assistance. It includes seeking free medical aid or subsidized medical costs.
Filing Mesothelioma Claims and Lawsuits
A claim for compensation can be filed by the affected person or by the family members or relatives on the worker's behalf. The rules to file mesothelioma claims differ from state to state. The amount of compensation one might receive also depends on the severity of the condition. Therefore, it would be in your best interests to work with a lawyer that specializes in filing lawsuits for Mesothelioma compensation. He will be in a better position to brief you on the amount of time to file a claim or the limitations that apply to your local region or country.
The time duration for which the proceedings might last depend on evidence you have to support your mesothelioma claims and how the defendant and his legal staff manage to refute those claims. If your case is very strong, the defendant might opt for an out-of-court settlement. A mesothelioma lawyers works on a contingency basis and takes a certain percent of the compensation as his commission. If the defendant offers a reasonable amount of compensation, although it might not match your Mesothelioma claims, you should consider it given that the proceedings can run into years.

Filing for Mesothelioma claims can be quite a complicated process given the amount of documentation that must be furnished for the procedure to be completed successfully. Nonetheless, the results are worthwhile. A good Mesothelioma Lawyer with his experience can make this otherwise tedious and time-consuming process a smooth sail for you. Source: Source:

Mesothelioma 101: What You Need to Know

What Are the Common Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma?
Despite the fact that mesothelioma has been on the rise just recently, not many people know what this is, what causes it, and what the signs and symptoms are. This article aims to inform the general reading public about mesothelioma: its nature, its cause, and its signs and symptoms.
What Is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma, or more precisely known as malignant mesothelioma, is a rare form of cancer that develops from transformed cells that originated from the mesothelium, the protective layer that covers the many internal organs of the body.
It develops in many different parts of the body, but there are some of the common anatomical sites where mesothelioma develops. Among others, these anatomical sites include the pleura (the outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), pericardium (the sac that surrounds the heart), and tunica vaginalis (a sac that surrounds the testis). This type of cancer is also known to grow at a much faster rate, and causes metastasis of isolated limbs of the body, thus, bringing unwilling predictions.
What Causes Mesothelioma?
The most common and considered as the undisputed cause of mesothelioma is prolonged exposure to asbestos. There are several ways a person can come in contact with asbestos fibers: occupational, environmental, and paraoccupational.
People who work in asbestos-exposed areas, such as construction site, ship yards, and factories are considered to have the highest risk rate of developing mesothelioma. However, some people come in contact with asbestos fibers due to their locality's proximity to naturally occurring asbestos or minerals with the same properties as that of asbestos, such as the zeolite mineral known as erionite. Some people develop mesothelioma due to secondary exposure to asbestos; this is known as the paraoccuopational exposure. Those whose family members work in an asbestos-exposed area are also in the risk of developing mesothelioma, as asbestos dust and/or fibers can accumulate in their clothes and can be brought home. This is the reason why people who work in asbestos-exposed area are required to take a shower and change clothes before going out of the area. Another reason that a person can develop mesothelioma is due to their exposure to buildings constructed with asbestos-based materials. Small but regular exposure to asbestos can lead to mesothelioma development.
What Are the Common Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma?
Common symptoms of mesothelioma include breathing problem, uncontrollable cough, severe chest pain, weakness, and/or unexpected weight loss. The common signs and symptoms of mesothelioma are often wrongly thought of as simple diseases and/or symptoms of common illness, and when it is detected, it is often too late to reverse or cure it. Most of the time, mesothelioma are confirmed after the doctor have conducted a biopsy on the anatomical site where the mesothelioma cells have gathered.

Christian George Acevedo has been writing for the web since 2005. Since then, he has written thousands of articles for his clients. Check out more of Christian's articles at Helium and Suite 101. He has actually written dozens of articles about mesothelioma at free to contact him at Source:
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Get to Know Everything About Mesothelioma

Everything About Mesothelioma
Mesothelium is a type of tissue lining the lungs, stomach, heart and other vital organs. Once these tissues are exposed to risk factors, specifically asbestos, an individual becomes susceptible to a rare type of cancer we call mesothelioma cancer.
Also known as malignant mesothelioma, this illness comes in three types: pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type, accounting to more than 70 percent of all cases of mesothelioma. This usually afflicts the pleura, a lining in the lungs. Meanwhile, peritoneal mesothelioma attacks the abdominal cavity, while pericardial mesothelioma originates from the cardial lining pericardium.
In the United Kingdom alone, more than 2,300 people are found positive with mesothelioma symptoms. People who are constantly exposed to asbestos, be it at home or at work. This could either be direct exposure or through inhalation, although a person does not usually develop the disease, let alone manifest mesothelioma symptoms until many years after his exposure. In fact, according to the National Cancer Institute, it could even take takes 30-50 years to manifest mesothelioma.
Washing clothes of someone who has direct contact with asbestos, and other indirect factors, could also put a person at risk of mesothelioma.
While tobacco and mesothelioma do not have any significant relationship with each another, smoking could hasten asbestos-induced lung cancer.
Individuals who were exposed to asbestos could be susceptible to "collected damages for asbestos-related disease," mesothelioma being one of them. This stems to the legal issues surrounding compensation via asbestos funds or class action lawsuits regarding mesothelioma, a hot topic these days.
The most common symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath caused by pleural effusion, which happens upon the formation of fluid between lungs and chest walls. Also common are chest pains and rapid weight loss. Chest x-ray and CT scan could reveal the presence of mesothelioma, although more specific confirmations via serous effusion cytology or biopsy and microscopic examination.
Although chemotherapy, radiation and cobalt therapies, as well as surgery sometimes, are proven effective in combating cancer, the same could not be said with mesothelioma given the poor mesothelioma prognosis as manifested by patients.
However, recent scientific research has produced significant breakthroughs with regard to treatment protocols for mesothelioma patients and more options are now available for managing mesothelioma and supporting improved quality of life. This sheds light, especially the afflicted individuals, who endure the physical, emotional, and financial strain of a seemingly hopeless condition. Likewise, recently diagnosed patients often bombard their physicians about what treatment is best for this disease. Aside from the traditional cancer therapies we've mentioned above, lately-introduced chemotherapy drugs such as Alimta® and Cisplatin have shown promising results in some patients with mesothelioma.

Christian George Acevedo has been writing for the web since 2005. Since then, he has written thousands of articles for his clients. Check out more of Christian's articles at free to contact him at Source: Source:

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Treatment of pleural mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is very difficult to treat. The following options to treat various stages of pleural mesothelioma, which are based on the operability (resectability) cancer. The types of treatments are also based on the unique needs of the person with cancer.

It is possible that surgery is not an option for people with pleural mesothelioma sarcomatoid types. These people often have a poor prognosis since this type of mesothelioma is resistant to treatment.

Pleural mesothelioma or localized stage I

Can be offered to people with pleural mesothelioma localized (stage I) which are considered operable (unresectable):

    - pleurectomy / decortication (P / D);
    - extrapleural pneumonectomy (PEP),
*chemotherapy after surgery;
*radiotherapy after extrapleural pneumonectomy.

One could suggest other treatments for people with localized pleural mesothelioma (stage I) which are considered inoperable (unresectable) and those who choose not to undergo radical surgery. The proposed treatments to control the disease as long as possible, relieve symptoms and improve quality of life may include:

*Palliative surgery
      - pleurectomy / decortication
      - thoracentesis, pleurodesis, pleuroperitoneal        bypass
*radiation therapy

advanced pleural mesothelioma or stage II, III or IV

Can be offered to people with advanced pleural mesothelioma (stage II, and some stage III) which are considered operable (unresectable)

   - pleurectomy / decortication (P / D)
   - extrapleural pneumonectomy (PEP)
*chemotherapy before or after surgery
*radiotherapy after extrapleural pneumonectomy

Can be offered to people with advanced pleural mesothelioma (Stage II or III) which are considered inoperable (unresectable)

*Palliative surgery
   - pleurectomy / decortication
   - thoracentesis, pleurodesis, pleuroperitoneal               bypass
*radiation therapy
*Supportive Care

It does not make extensive surgery to treat pleural mesothelioma stage IV because of the extent of the disease at that stage. Chemotherapy is often supportive treatment. One can also use radiation therapy and other support measures, such as thoracentesis or pleurodesis, to control the symptoms of advanced mesothelioma control the disease as long as possible and improve the quality of life of the person reached.

recurrent pleural mesothelioma

If pleural mesothelioma returns (relapse) after treatment, treatment options depend on the following factors:

*location cancer
*previously administered treatments
*overall health status of the person

For mesothelioma recurrence, may be used in treatment options similar to those of unresectable pleural mesothelioma. It is possible to administer chemotherapy to try to reduce the size of the tumor or slow its progression and relieve symptoms. Radiation therapy and other support measures can relieve symptoms.

Clinical tests

We can offer people with mesothelioma the opportunity to participate in clinical trials. For more information, see the "Clinical Trials" section.

Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma

symptoms of mesothelioma
A sign is a phenomenon that can be observed and confirmed by a physician or healthcare professional (eg rash). A symptom is something that only the person in whom it manifests can feel and know (the pain or fatigue, for example). It is possible that mesothelioma causes no signs or symptoms in the early stages. Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma often do not appear 20 to 40 years after exposure to asbestos. Symptoms occur when the tumor develops in the tissues and surrounding organs or fluid builds up around the lung (pleural effusion) or in the abdomen (ascites). Most people with mesothelioma are diagnosed when the disease is advanced or generalized.

Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma can also be caused by other medical conditions. It is therefore important to consult a doctor if any unusual symptoms occur.

Signs and symptoms vary depending on the location of mesothelioma.

pleural mesothelioma

Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma that affects the chest (pleural mesothelioma) include these:

  1. chest discomfort - pain continues or not on the side of the chest or under the ribcage:
  2. shortness of breath (dyspnea) - often caused by an accumulation of fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) or thickening of the pleura
  3. persistent cough
  4. difficulty swallowing
  5. hoarse voice - if pressure is exerted on the nerves of the larynx
  6. swelling of the face and arms
  7. unexplained weight loss
  8. loss of appetite
  9. fever
  10. sweat
  11. discomfort
  12. discomfort
  13. general feeling of discomfort or of a physiological disorder.

peritoneal mesothelioma

Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma affects the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma) include these:

  1. fluid accumulation in the abdomen (ascites or peritoneal effusion)
  2. abdominal swelling
  3. abdominal pain
  4. mass in the abdomen or pelvis
  5. nausea and vomiting
  6. unexplained weight loss
  7. loss of appetite
  8. fever
  9. blockage in the intestine 

Causes of Mesothelioma
Malignant mesothelioma is a fatal disease linked to asbestos exposure that affects the cells of the mesothelium covering the pleura, peritoneum, pericardium and vaginal tunic.

The exact prevalence is unknown, but mesothelioma is estimated to represent less than 1% of all cancers. The incidence of mesothelioma is increasing and peak incidence is expected to occur over the next 10-20 years.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma. Chest pain and shortness of breath are common. Breathlessness secondary to pleural effusion without chest pain is reported in about 30% of cases. Parietal thoracic mass, weight loss, sweating, abdominal pain and ascites (due to impairment of the peritoneum) are less frequent events.

In over 90% of cases, the cause of mesothelioma is attributed to occupational exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma can also be due to exposure Environmental 'unprofessional, asbestos. Spontaneous or idiopathic occurrence of mesothelioma in the absence of asbestos exposure, is also possible and affects about one in a million.

Diagnosis is looking for a history of exposure to asbestos, and on radiological and pathological data. The radiological data (scanner) are in favor of following malignant pleural disease:

 1) a circumferential pleural thickening,
 2) nodular pleural thickening,
 3) pleural thickening greater than 1 cm,
 4) mediastinal pleural involvement.

The distinction with benign pleural disease can be difficult.

The management should involve a multidisciplinary team and includes radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery and palliative care at end of life. Compensation should also be considered.

Life expectancy is low, with a median survival of approximately one year from mesothelioma diagnosis.

Pleural mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the mesothelium, envelope consisting of two sheets between which there is a liquid lubricant. This mesothelium surrounding many organs: it is called pleura to the lung, peritoneum for digestive organs, pericardium for the heart.

The most common is that of the pleura: the pleural mesothelioma

It is almost always secondary to the inhalation of asbestos dust (this is known since the 60's) and possibly some refractory ceramic fibers. The microfibers of inhaled asbestos will lodge deep in the respiratory tract in the alveoli, these strong fibers migrate to the pleura from where mechanical irritation of the pleura, the basic lesion is primarily physical, not chemical. The time between exposure and disease often reaches several decades but may be shorter in some cases. This exposure may be short (one or two) and thus difficult to find and prove 40 or 50 years later.

Mesothelioma is a diseases caused by asbestos (see our article on the subject)

Smoking increases the risk of lung lesions but does not affect the risk of developing mesothelioma.

Signs of the disease are not very evocative and often late: Chest pain, neuralgia in the arm, pain in the back, in the shoulder blade. Therefore considered rather mundane
More evocative: pleural effusion (often bloody fluid between the layers of the pleura) with dyspnea (shortness of breath)

The chest X-ray is seldom useful except at an advanced stage.
Microscopic examination of the aspirate if effusion may find malignant cells
CT and MRI are the most useful examinations and diagnosis will be confirmed by a biopsy of the pleura or by thoracoscopy

Treatment: in early surgery can yield results, then radiation therapy can slow the progression finally chemotherapy will only be palliative. The prognosis is usually terrible (one year survival often only).

Prevention is therefore essential: removal of sprayed asbestos, protection of workers and their families (wife cleans clothes for example)
Asbestos is banned in France since 1997 and in many Western countries (but there are other countries where everything remains to be done ...)

The exposed occupations are numerous.
Those who pay the heaviest price were, are and will (if the maximum is expected between 2010 and 2020):

Plumbers, welders, pipefitters
Iron construction or steel workers (carpenters, shipbuilding and railway and automobile)
Sheet metal workers, boilermakers, auto mechanics and heavy
general building workers
Yourselfers "madmen"
Employment in the manufacture of articles containing asbestos (asbestos cement, asbestos textile industry until 1996 with activity carding, spinning or weaving)
Employment in the insulation (thermal or acoustic), in manufacture of electrical insulators, in power plants, refineries
car repair and other vehicles (brakes and clutch)
Fitters ventilation / heating / cooling, boiler installer
Steel (blast furnaces, coking plants, steel mills)
Glass industry
Etc. ...

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